
My papers have been selected for many meetings of the International Economic History Association (World Economic History Congress), the European Business History Association, Business History Conference (US), World Congress of Accounting Historians, Association of Business Historians (UK), The European Association for Banking, Financial History e.V., The Accounting History International Conference, The Society for the History of Technology, SHOT (US). Asociación Española de Historia Económica (AEHE), Congreso Latinoamericano de Historia Económica, Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine - Manchester (CHSTM conferences) among others




International Workshop organiser (with Matilde Massó). Money in Transformation: Actors, Processes and Social Effects of Financial Innovation. MONFIN team and invited researchers present and debate the provisional results of project. The main lines of research on financial exclusion and sustainable banking and investment will be discussed together with the possibilities of knowledge transfer. Faculty of Sociology. A Coruña, Spain - September 5-6, 2022. Program of the event


Cotelo-Ouréns, Yolanda; J.C. Maixé-Altés & Matilde Massó. Banca social y finanzas inclusivas, sus dinámicas en la España postcrisis. VI Encuentro REJIES. Universidad de La Laguna de Tenerife, 1 y 2 de diciembre de 2022. [Encuentro ENUIES 2022 “ECONOMÍA SOCIAL, SOSTENIBILIDAD Y FUTURO”.  Cátedra CESCO, Universidad de La Laguna]


Panel organiser( with J. Luis García Ruiz and B. Batiz-Lazo), 21th Session: Desarrollo e innovación en la banca española y latinoamericana, siglos XIX a XXI: ¿evolución o ruptura? 13th International Congress of the Spanish Association of Economic History: Science, Technology, innovation and economic development in historical perspective. Bilbao 31th August- 3rd September, 2022.


Maixé-Altés, J. Carles. “The dynamics of inclusive finance in Spain, 1835-2008”. 21th Session: Desarrollo e innovación en la banca española y latinoamericana, siglos XIX a XXI: ¿evolución o ruptura? 13th International Congress of the Spanish Association of Economic History: Science, Technology, innovation and economic development in historical perspective. Bilbao 31th August- 3rd September, 2022.


Cotelo-Ouréns, Yolanda; J.C. Maixé-Altés & Matilde Massó. “Social banking and inclusive finance in the historical framework of the post-crisis Spain”. 21th Session: Desarrollo e innovación en la banca española y latinoamericana, siglos XIX a XXI: ¿evolución o ruptura? 13th International Congress of the Spanish Association of Economic History: Science, Technology, innovation and economic development in historical perspective. Bilbao 31th August- 3rd September, 2022.


Cotelo-Ouréns, Yolanda, Maixé-Altés, J. Carles, Massó-Lago, Matilde “The dynamics of social banking and inclusive finance in the Spanish post-crisis”. 7th World Congress of the International Society of Business Economics and Ethics (ISBEE 2022). Re-inventing Globalization: Community, Virtues and the Power of Purpose. Track 13. Ethics and digital finance: opportunities and challenges. Bilbao, Spain,  20th-22nd July, 2022.




Panel organiser withJ. Luis García Ruiz and B. Batiz-Lazo, 21th Session: Desarrollo e innovación en la banca española y latinoamericana, siglos XIX a XXI: ¿evolución o ruptura? 13th International Congress of the Spanish Association of Economic History: Science, Technology, innovation and economic development in historical perspective. Bilbao 1-4 septiembre 2020 [the meeting has been postponed due to coronavirus pandemic]


El despegue de una banca de servicios en España: la lucha por el mercado de tarjetas de pago bancarias en los años setenta y ochenta del siglo XX (21th Session). 13th International Congress of the Spanish Association of Economic History: Science, Technology, innovation and economic development in historical perspective. Bilbao 1-4 septiembre 2020 [the meeting has been postponed due to coronavirus pandemic]

The dynamics of inclusive finance in Spain, 1835-2008. The Dynamics of Inclusive Finance. International Workshop, Utrecht University, March 20-21, 2020. [the meeting has been postponed due to coronavirus pandemic]




Panel organiser with Bernardo Bátiz-Lazo. Making Digital Banks Work – A European Perspective. SHOT-SIGCIS Annual Meeting, ‘Exceptional Error: Fatal, Illegal, Unknown’, Society for the History of Technology (SHOT), Special Interest Group: Computers, Information and Society (SIGCIS) Annual Meeting, Milan (October 27, 2019).


Reliability, security, errors and other evils at the dawn of electronic bank transfers in the 1970s-1980s.Session: Making Digital Banks Work – A European Perspective. SHOT-SIGCIS Annual Meeting, ‘Exceptional Error: Fatal, Illegal, Unknown’, Society for the History of Technology (SHOT), Special Interest Group: Computers, Information and Society (SIGCIS) Annual Meeting, Milan (October 27, 2019).


Panel organiser with Gustavo del Angel (Simposio nº 24):El Estado y las olas de globalización en la evolución de la arquitectura del sistema financiero: análisis comparativo América Latina y España. Sexto Congreso Latinoamericano de Historia Económica (CLADHE VI). Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Santiago (Chile), 23-25 julio 2019.


Looking for New Perspectives on Globalization: The International Savings Banks Institute and the European National Savings Banks Industry Associations, 1960s-2000s.  Sexto Congreso Latinoamericano de Historia Económica (CLADHE VI). Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Santiago (Chile), 23-25 julio 2019.



Looking for New Perspectives on Globalization. The International Savings Banks Institute and the National Savings Banks Industry Associations (Spain), 1960s-2007. Simposio nº 24: El Estado y las olas de globalización en la evolución de la arquitectura del sistema financiero: análisis comparativo América Latina y España. 2018 Business History Conference Meeting - Session 2.E. Building Financial Systems in Spain and the Americas. Business History Conference BHC, Baltimore, Maryland, US, 05-07/04/2018.




Panel Organiser: Session 10,  El largo caminio hacia una banca de servicios - Raices históricas y perspectivas futuras, siglos XIX-XXI. XII Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Historia Económica (6 - 9, septiembre 2017) Salamanca (with Gustavo del Angel, CIDE, Mexico and B. Bátiz Lazo, Bangor University, UK)


The transformation of Spanish Retail Banking Industry: Historical developments and New Challenges. Session 10,  El largo caminio hacia una banca de servicios - Raices históricas y perspectivas futuras, siglos XIX-XXI. XII Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Historia Económica (6 - 9, septiembre 2017) Salamanca.




Spanish retail banking industry after the crisis: historical development and important factors for the future. Retail banking 1960s to 2020s. The European Association for Banking and Financial History Workshop. Frankfurt am Main, Germany 24 Nov 2016. EABH in cooperation with GUG.

Retail trade and payment innovations in the digital era: a cross-industry and cross-country approach. 2nd Workshop on the Evolution of the Retail Trade in the 20th century. Economic, Social and Political Perspectives. 22-23 September 2016, Uppsala University, Department of Economic History, Uppsala Centre for Business History (funded by Jan Wallanders Och Tom Hedelius Stiftelse & Hakon Swenson Stiftelsen




Panel Organiser: Session 2, Innovación tecnológica en las finanzas minoristas de España y América Latina. XI Congreso Internacional de la AEHE, 4 y 5 de Septiembre 2014. Colegio Universitario de Estudios Financieros (CUNEF), Madrid (with B. Bátiz Lazo, Bangor University, UK)


Automatización, sistemas de gestión y servicios al cliente. Las cajas españolas en el marco europeo, 1960-1995. Session 2, Innovación tecnológica en las finanzas minoristas de España y América Latina. XI Congreso Internacional de la AEHE, 4 y 5 de Septiembre 2014. Colegio Universitario de Estudios Financieros (CUNEF), Madrid


Distribución alimentaria y autoservicio en España: la tecnología en la era de la convergencia digital, 1970-2010. Session 11: La distribución alimentaria en la España contemporánea: Un enfoque regional y empresarial. XI Congreso Internacional de la AEHE, 4 y 5 de Septiembre 2014. Colegio Universitario de Estudios Financieros (CUNEF), Madrid


ICT the Nordic way and European Retail Banking. Session: IT in Economy and Banking. HiNC4 – History of IT in the Nordics. Nordic Conference on IT History – IT University of Copenhagen and the Danish Society for Computer History, Copenhagen August 13-15 2014.



Structural Change in Distribution Markets in Peripheral Europe: Spanish Food Retailing from 1950 to 2010. Session 3 A: Structural change in the distributive trades in the long run: The impact of innovations and institutions I. European Business History Association Congress: Innovation and growth. Uppsala Centre for Business History (UCBH), Uppsala (Sweden), 22-24 August 2013 (with Rafael Castro Balaguer)


Discussant in the Session 4 A: Structural change in the distributive trades in the long run: The impact of innovations and institutions II. European Business History Association Congress: Innovation and growth. Uppsala Centre for Business History (UCBH), Uppsala (Sweden), 22-24 August 2013


Chair in the Session 5 C: Financial innovation in modernising societies: How European banks reshaped their markets during the Golden Age and after. European Business History Association Congress: Innovation and growth. Uppsala Centre for Business History (UCBH), Uppsala (Sweden), 22-24 August 2013


Retail banking networks and teleprocessing in Europe, circa 1960-90. Session 086 DATA AT WORK. Banking and Innovation. 24th International Congress of History of Science, Technology and Medicine (ICHSTM, Manchester). 22-28 July 2013, Manchester, UK

Chair in the Session: Myths and Realities of the Cashless Society, Business enterprises and the tensions between local and global: 16th annual conference EBHA, 1st joint conference with BHSJ, Paris, August 30th - September 1st 2012
The Persistence of Stakeholder Governance in Spanish Savings Banks. A Historical Perspective. Corporate Governance in Financial Institutions: Historicals Developments and Current Problems. The European Association for Banking and Financial History e.V. 20-21 May 2011, ING House, Amsterdam.
Panel Organiser: Session 6: Historia global de los servicios en el siglo XX. Persistencia y cambio tecnológico, X Congreso Internacional de la AEHE, Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla, Carmona (Sevilla), 8 y 9 de septiembre de 2011 (with Santiago López, University of Salamanca).
Productividad y cambio tecnológico en las cajas de ahorro españolas antes de Internet, 1945-1998, Session 6: Historia global de los servicios en el siglo XX. Persistencia y cambio tecnológico. X Congreso Internacional de la AEHE, Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla, Carmona (Sevilla), 8 y 9 de septiembre de 2011
Diverging paths to a Networked World: Computerizing Spanish and British Savings Banks, 1965-1990. Session: Networks as Places in the History of Computing. The Society for the History of Technology, SHOT Annual Meeting - SHOT'10. Tacoma WA, US. 30 November-3 October 2010.
Adoption and diffusion of double entry book-keeping in Mexico and Spain: A related but under-investigated development, Batiz-Lazo, B.; Hernandez-Borreguero, J.; Maixé-Altés, J. C.; Nuñez-Torrado, M. Sixth Accounting History International Conference (6AHIC), Wellington, New Zealand, 18-20 August 2010.
Non profit banks and the fillip of collective ownership: Spanish Savings banks from a European perspective. CEGBI/ABH Conference: Global Business and Global Networks. The York Management School and the Centre for the Evolution of Global Business and Institutions, York, 16-17  July 2010.
Une histoire bien particulière : les avatars de la partie double au Mexique. Colloque international: Les comptes publics. Implications politiques, pratiques, modèles (circa 1500-1850), 10-11 June 2010. Université Paris X – Nanterre. Agence Nationale de la Recherche – UMR 8529 IRHIS-CNRS/ Université Charles-de-Gaulle Lille III – EA 381 CNRS/Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense (with B. Batiz-Lazo, J. Hernandez and M. Nuñez).
Gestión del cambio tecnológico mediante colaboración. Orígenes y desarrollo de las redes de proceso de datos en las cajas de ahorros españolas y británicas (circa 1960-1988), El sector servicios en América Latina y la Península Ibérica durante el siglo XX, CLADHE - AMHE-IV, Ciudad de México, 3-5 febrero 2010 (with B. Batiz-Lazo).
Early stages of the self-service revolution in Europe: the Americanisation of food retailing in Spain, c.1947-1972, CHORD Conference: Retailing and Distribution History, 9 and 10 September 2009. A conference to mark 10 years of The Centre for the History of Retailing and Distribution (CHORD). University of Wolverhampton’s, UK (Available in MPRA Paper 1814 - Munich Personal RePEc Archive).
Panel Organiser: ‘Automation and Mechanisation of Financial Services’, XVth World Economic History Congress, Utrech (The Netherlands), 3-7 August (with Bernardo Batiz-Lazo, Leicester, UK; Paul Thomes, Aachen, Germany).
Organisational change and the computerisation of British and Spanish savings banks, circa 1950-1985,XVth World Economic History Congress, Session: Automation and mechanisation of financial services, WEHC - Utrecht, 3-7 August, 2009 (with B. Batiz-Lazo)
Self-Service in the Digital Age: Convergence of technology and business models in the retail markets, European Business History Association-Bussines History Conference Joint Annual Meeting, Fashions: Bussines Practices in Historical Perspective, Milan, 11-13 june 2009 (with B. Batiz-Lazo).
Chair in the Session 7a: 'The Role(s) of the Consumer' at the Marketing History: Strengthening, Straightening and Extending, 14th Conference on Historical Analysis & Research in Marketing (CHARM), University of Leicester School of Management, Leicester, May 18-23, 2009.
Historia de un romance singular: encuentros y desencuentros de la partida doble en México, VI Encuentro de Trabajo sobre Historia de la Contabilidad, Valladolid, 5-7 November 2008, Universidad de Valladolid, Asociación Española de Contabilidad y Administración de Empresas-Comisión de Historia de la Contabilidad (with Batiz-Lazo, Bernardo; Hernandez-Borreguero, Julian and Nuñez-Torrado, Miriam).
Automation of British and Spanish savings banks, Summer Workshop The history of the automation of banking (Utrecht-2009 Preconference), Maison des sciences de l’homme d’Aquitaine, Bordeaux-Pessac, July 9-10, 2008 (with B. Batiz-Lazo).
Organizational change and the computerization of British and Spanish savings banks, 1965-2005, Association of Business Historians, Annual Meeting, Automation of retail finance in Britain (1965-2005), Birmingham, July 4-5, 2008 (with B. Batiz-Lazo).
Organizational Change and the Computerization of British and Spanish Savings Banks, circa 1950-1985, Business History Conference, 2008 Annual Meeting, Expanding Connections for Business History,  Sacramento, April 10-12, 2008 (with B. Batiz-Lazo).
Regulation and Competitive Edge: Banks and Savings Banks in the Mediterranean (France, Italy and Spain), The European Association for Banking and Financial History e.V., Banking and Finance in the Mediterranean. An Historical perspective, St. Julians, Malta, June 1-2, 2007.
Automation of British and Spanish savings banks, Workshop: Automation and mechanisation of financial services, Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, March 17-18, 2007 (with B. Batiz-Lazo).
Regulation, Governance and Competitive Edge in Non-profit Banks. Spanish Savings Banks (1921-33 and 1975-89), XIV International Economic History Congress, Helsinki, 21 a 25-8-2006.
The Computerisation of British and Spanish Savings Banks, 1960-2000, 10th Annual Conference of the European Business History Association, Copenhagen, 17-19 August 2006 (with Bernardo Batiz-Lazo).
The regulation of savings and financial innovation in Scottish savings banks at the end of nineteenth century, Eleventh World Congress of Accounting Historians, Nantes, 19-22 July
Cajas de ahorro y desarrollo regional. Aspectos diferenciales del sistema financiero gallego y asturiano, VIII Congreso de la Asociación Española de Historia Económica, Sesión B 8: Las cajas de ahorros en la economía española: ahorro, desarrollo regional y marco institucional, 1840-2000, Santiago, September 13-16, 2005.
Las cajas de ahorro gallegas y asturianas en perspectiva interregional, Preconferencia del Congreso de la Asociación de Historia Economica, Universidad de Murcia, Murcia, 21-22 octubre 2004
Spanish saving banks: a dynamic business organization model (19th and 20th centuries), The 8th Annual Congress of the European Business History Association, University of Pompeu Fabra, Department of Economics and Business, Barcelona, September 16-18, 2004
Monetary transfers and the integration of markets in Spain in the 18th and 19th centuries, XIIIth International Economic History Congress. Session 19: From commercial communication to commercial integration (Middle Ages to XIXth century). Buenos Aires, July 22-26, 2002.
Savings banks and Regional Economic Growth in Spain in the 19th and 20th centuries, XIIIth International Economic History Congress. Session 62: Savings banks as financial institutions: role, performance and impact. International Economic History Association. Buenos Aires, 22-26 July, 2002 (with M. Vilar and E. Lindoso).
Savings Banks and Regional Economic Growth in Spain in the 19th and 20th Centuries. International meeting: Savings Banks as a Financial Institutions: Role, Performance and Impact. Centre for Business History in Scotland, University of Glasgow, Glasgow September 19–20, 2001 (with E. Lindoso and M. Vilar).
El sistema de transferencias en un mercado monetario en formación (Barcelona-Madrid 1776-1885). Una aplicación univariante con modelos no lineales. VII Congreso de Historia Económica, Spanish Economic History Association, Zaragoza September 19-21, 2001.
El sistema gallego de cajas de ahorro en perspectiva interregional, siglos XIX y XX, II Congreso de Economía de Galicia, Novos escenarios para a economía galega. Instituto Universitario de Estudios e Desenvolvemento de Galicia, IDEGA. Santiago, November 21-23, 2001.
L’ús de mitjans de pagament a la documentació notarial catalana del segle XVIII, II Congrés d’Història del Notariat Català. Fundació Noguera and Col.legi de Notaris de Barcelona. Barcelona 5-6 november 1998.
Entrepreneurs, Networks and Mercantile Strategies in Eighteenth-Century Spain, XIIth International Economic History Congress. C5 session. Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurial Behaviour in The Early Modern Period, Madrid, 24-28 August 1998.
Consideraciones sobre los mercados informales de crédito y la financiación del comercio y la manufactura catalana (1776-1802), VI Congreso de la Asociación Española de Historia Económica, Girona, 15-17 September 1997.
La marina catalana a la conquista de los mercados hispanos en el siglo XVIII, Congrés Història Moderna, Història en construcció. Museo Marítimo de Barcelona-CEHM-PV. Barcelona, September, 1996.
Barcelona y los grandes puertos del Mediterráneo occidental a finales de la época preindustrial, Segundas Jornadas de Estudios Portuarios y Marítimos, La renovación urbanística y el papel histórico de los puertos: convivencia puerto-ciudad. Asociación de Estudios Portuarios y Marítimos-CEHOPU. Bilbao, 2-4 October 1996.
Mercantile and Banking Practices in 18th Century Catalonia, XIth International Economic History Congress. Sessions D: Recent Doctoral research, Milan, September 11-16, 1994.
Análisis de la empresa comercial tradicional (siglo XVIII), V Congreso de la Asociación de Historia Económica. Session: Empresa y empresarios en España en los siglos XIX y XX, Asociación de Historia Económicia, Universidad del País Vasco, Bilbao-San Sebastián, 29 september-1 October 1993.
Segundo Simposio de Historia de la Economia Marítima. Derecho y Mar en la España Moderna. Los instrumentos jurídicos de la circulación mercantil y la actividad económica catalana en el siglo XVIII. Museo Marítimo de Barcelona, Diputación de Barcelona and Centre d’Estudis d’Història Moderna P. Vilar. Barcelona 18-20 November 1992.
VI Simposio de Historia Económica: «Las industrias de bienes de consumo en el origen y desarrollo de la industrialización». “Aproximación al mercado catalán de bienes de consumo en la primera mitad del siglo XVIII, grandes redes de distribución y sistema de pagos”. Department of Economics and Economic History, Autonomous University of Barcelona. Barcelona, 21-23 December 1992.
The catalan-maltese trade, 1780-1800, Colloquium on Spanish-Maltese History, Foundation for International Studies, University of Malta. Valletta (Malta), May 17-23, 1990.
Estructures Comercials i Capital mercantil a la Mediterrània, s. XVI-XVIII. Problemes metodològics. Fonts públiques i fonts privades per a l’estudi de les economies marítimes a la Mediterrània: el cas català. Grup d’Estudis d’Història Econòmica, University of Balearics Island. Palma de Mallorca, March 1988.
Génova a finales del Antiguo Régimen, una ciudad en crisis, Segon Seminari «Història de les Ciutats: Génova». Institut d’Humanitats de Barcelona-University of Barcelona. Barcelona, 24-26 February 1988. International meeting.
Mercado mediterráneo, consumo de víveres y balanza comercial: el caso barcelonés a fines del siglo XVIII, VII Jornades d’Estudis Històrics Locals, «La Mediterrània: antropologia i història», Institut d’Estudis Baleàrics, Conselleria d’Educació. Palma de Mallorca, November 23-25, 1988.
El mercado algodonero y la producción industrial en Cataluña (1780-1790), Segon Congrés d’Història Moderna de Catalunya, «Catalunya a l’època de Carles III», Departament d'Història Moderna, Universitat de Barcelona. Barcelona, 1988.
La colonia genovesa en Cataluña en los siglos XVII y XVIII: los Bensi, Primer Congrés d’Història Moderna de Catalunya, Departament d'Història Moderna, Universitat de Barcelona. Barcelona, December 17-21, 1984.